My story: How I became Top Ranked Seller of Ziegert/Knight Frank in only one year

Where it all started

Jonathan Vandamme

I came to Berlin in 2015, I had to find a job quickly, so I started off with a sales job for a tech start up. I was good at it, however, I was not using my education which is architecture and business (we all do these sacrifices when we move countries sometimes, don’t we?).

So when I saw advertisement from Ziegert Real Estate getting an award for Best Real Estate agency in Germany, I got curious, but when I saw that they work with biggest real estate developers in the city, I knew I had to work for them. This was perfect for me: combination of my degree, business skills and passion for architecture. 

Through Linked In, I found contacts of the Head of International team of Ziegert : Alexander Von Albert, and I hustled him so much over the phone that he eventually thought: ‘What the hell… the guy is so persistent, I have to give him a shot’’. I went there and after one interview, took the job home and never regretted ever since.

Jonathan Vandamme Top Ranked Real Estate Broker Berlin Ziegert

One year later I became the Nr. 3 Top Seller of the company. So how did I do it?

In January 2018, Ziegert has given out Awards to 3 Top Sellers of the company who made the biggest volume in 2017. I had the honour to be one of them, being 3rd in sales volume only after one year working there.

Looking at this award today, it all seems so easy, however, the journey was much harder than it looks like.

So today, I would like to share with you the Top 6 Rules for Success that I learned doing this job:


1. Consistency

The most important thing is being able to consistently provide super high level of professional service. People talk about consistency a lot, but what does this actually mean? When I work with clients, my credo is ‘To deliver every time, on time’. If you say you gonna do it by that time, you stick to your guns and you do it whatever it takes. There is no excuse for being late. When people buy an apartment, this is mostly the biggest purchase they will ever make in their life, so having someone they can trust and can fully count on, someone who makes them feel comfortable with their decision and the process, is giving them a piece of mind. This means always being responsive, anticipate questions they might have. Being able to answer the question just one second before they wanted to ask that question. 

2. Empathy and listening to your client

Empathy and listening are the key elements to figuring out who your client is and what does he/she want in a property. I do not have to sell to clients, because I just listen to them and take them on a journey where they can discover something, which they value.

3. Knowing how to position a property

You can have two complete different people in front of you, with completely different needs, however, when you position the property right for that person, they see the benefits that the property gives them. Positioning the property right depending on your clients needs and expectations is key. Its not enough to just open the door and show around. My degree as an architect helps me build dialogue between the property and the client, I show them how they can redesign or rethink the apartment to fit their needs. And I never show the same property in the same way.

4. Knowing more than just real estate

90 % of the properties I sold last year were to foreigners or non-residents of Germany, which means I need to know how to give a comprehensive advice regarding financing/mortgage specific for foreigners, taxation issues when living abroad, renting options when living in a different country, and even give advice about relocation to Germany. When buying abroad, clients are especially careful and resistant as it is not their home country. My job is to make them feel 100 % comfortable though the whole process.

I worked with people from all parts of the world including United Kingdom, U.S.A., China, Saudi Arabia and all European countries. Some of them bought from me even without coming to Germany, this is how comfortable I made them feel by covering all the concerns they might have.

5. Team is your vessel of support

I would not be anywhere without my team. Actually I am using the word wrong: we are a family. We laugh, we struggle together, we help each other to do what we have to do to get the deal done, whatever it takes. I also should mention that I am grateful to everyone at Ziegert who works at the back office: from data analytics to secretary, together we are truly stronger.

6. Mindset is everything

Jonathan Vandamme top real estate broker Ziegert Berlin

But all the above is not enough without the right mindset. To put yourself into a winner mindset, you need to have a morning routine to set you off for a great day. Every day I wake up very early to have time for my morning routine: meditation, visualisation, affirmations, gym or yoga. After that I come to the office and always start my day by doing the hardest task first, because from there on everything goes uphill. If you want to be the winner, you have to think like a winner. And this morning practice helps me build the right mindset and keep me focused.


Point in case is that does no matter which city or which country you are from, or which profession you are, the only thing you decide is who you want to be and which value you want to give to people. The rest is just finding the way.